Cheriton Bishop Parish Council is a local authority whose 8 members are elected by the electors in the Parish area and serve for four years.
The Council acts to represent residents of the parish on issues such as the Local Plan, planning issues and problems with highways. It liaises with its District and County Councillors on matters controlled by Mid Devon District Council and Devon County Council. The Council is consulted on planning applications but Mid Devon District Council are the planning authority and they make the decisions on applications.
The Council raises its finance through the precept which is a very small proportion of the Council Tax each household pays.
The Council meets on the 2nd Monday of the month except for bank holidays and August at 7pm in the Spalding Hall Church Lane Cheriton Bishop. All meetings are open to the public and there is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council at the start of the meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Council is held in May at which the Chair and Vice Chair(s) are elected.